Hôtel de Londres à Boulogne-sur-mer

French   English
  • Chambre de l'Hôtel de Londres
  • Salle de restauration de l'Hôtel de Londres
  • L'Hôtel de Londres de Boulogne-sur-mer

Welcome to the Hotel** de Londres

The Hotel is located in the town of
Boulogne -sur-Mer center, 5 minutes from the station .

Nearby, you will find:
  • The fishing port and beach,
  • the center of the Nausicaa Sea,
  • the old walled city,
  • many shops,
  • University of the Littoral ...

It is the ideal starting point to visit our city and exploring the Côte d'Opale.
 Some pictures
Room Servicecomfortable roomsBoulogne sur merDam Carnot

Continental breakfast is served at the table so you can enjoy a relaxing stay.

From 7am to 10am on weekdays and from 8am to 10am on weekends.


Hôtel de Londres
22, Place de France
62200 Boulogne-sur-Mer

Tel.+33 (0)3 21 31 35 63

RCS 391777539
identification TVA FR 44750308041
droit à s'inscrire sur BLOCTEL

Location map

Location map interactive map

GPS Address: Place Frédéric Sauvage.
